What are ASM and Premium Support?
ASM& PS (Annual Software Maintenance and Premium Support) is a service package from SubtitleNEXT that makes your investment worthwhile on the long run. With your license, you have access to this service pack for exactly one calendar year from the date of your product licence activation. ASM & PS renewals are not mandatory, just recommended after the first 12 months.
As a result, a valid ASM & PS gives you the power to do the following:
- Maintenance: Download and install new minor and maintenance versions (updates) that we release over that year. This is important because SubtitleNEXT continuously makes improvements, implements new features, and releases bug fixing maintenance versions.
- Support: Reach out to our professional and friendly support team whenever you have technical difficulties or questions.
- Priority: Access to SubtitleNEXT R&D team for priority feature requests and bug fixing.
You can enjoy those three benefits through an ASM & PS Agreement. Before you can download and install a newer minor version, or turn to our support team, you need to have a valid ASM & PS.
How do I know if my ASM & PS is valid?
The ASM&PS Service Pack for the first year is included in your perpetual licence purchasing price for the Individual products and is charged at 20% of the list price of your licenses for the Enterprise Products. platform.
When you purchase a perpetual license for SubtitleNEXT, you automatically receive an ASM & PS that is valid for one (1) calendar year from the date of your license activation. During this first year, you may download any new minor releases of SubtitleNEXT.
After the first year, if you wish to continue to download new minor versions and receive premium support, you will need to purchase an extension of the ASM & PS for one more year.
Before your ASM & PS expires, you may be contacted by our sales team with an offer for ASM&PS Service renewal.
Second year and every consecutive year to follow: Extend your Premium Support and Annual Software Maintenance for 15% for Individual Products and 20% for Enterprise Products.
To extend your ASM & PS service package for one more year, you need to pay 15% for Localization Products, and 20% for Enterprise Products and for NEXT-TT Bundles of the current list prices. The price is always calculated from the list prices that are valid on the date you extend your ASM & PS. Once you extend your ASM & PS, you will continue to benefit from new minor versions updates and gain access to Premium Support for one more year. When you extend your ASM & PS, your new 1-year ASM & PS always starts when the previous ASM & PS expired. If your first-year ASM & PS expires on March 31st, 2020, your second year will start on April 1st, 2020 – no matter when you actually extend your ASM & PS. Please note that Major Version Upgrade is not part of the ASM & PS service package, but by keeping a valid ASM & PS you reduce your major version upgrade costs. Reversible (covering past periods) ASM & PS renewals are allowed for a gap of up to 3 years for SubtitleNEXT Localization Products and Enterprise Products at half of the regular price, and for a gap of 1 year for NEXT-TT Bundles. If the gap is longer, the below Upgrade policies apply.
What is a Major Version and Software Upgrade?
New Major Versions are released in case of major changes to the software, its functionalities, features, or used technologies.
Existing licensed users of the current Major Version can benefit from Software Upgrade to the new one. The cost of the Software Upgrades are calculated as follows:
For Localization Products:
- 70% from the list prices of the corresponding bundles for the users without active ASM & PS
- 30% from the list prices of the corresponding bundles for the users with active ASM & PS
For Enterprise Products:
- 80% from the list prices of the corresponding bundles for the users without active ASM & PS
- 30% from the list prices of the corresponding bundles for the users with active ASM & PS
Software Release Policy
Version terminology
For example in 5.1.2:
- 5 is the Major Version
- 1 is the Minor Version
- 2 is the Maintenance Release
An increase in just the Maintenance Release means an update with only bug fixes. An increase in the Minor or Major Version number means a feature release. Since minor version releases are quite frequent, there are fewer or even no bug fix updates (maintenance releases) between them.
Officially supported versions are version 5.10. and all versions after that. All previous versions are declared End Of Life. Users of old versions may contact Sales to receive proposal for update.